UU SGM Network acheives charitable org status
As one of the three original co-founders of the Unitarian Universalist Small Group Ministry Network -- UU's like long names and acronyms! -- I'm delighted to announce that the UU SGM Network has achieved charitable tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
For those of you who are UU's this means easier fundraising for the network (easier, not easy) and through this more resources and support.
For other readers, UU small group ministry resources are, in many ways, like generic small group resources. Yes, the theology matters. But when it comes to making groups work, we're working hard on that. The way I see it we have a harder time as our membership is far more diverse theologically than the average church small group. If we can make groups thrive we must be on to something.
That something is the fundamentals of healthy human groups. Hence, great generic sgm resources!
You can visit the UU SGM Network online at
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