November 18, 2006

An Interview with the Rev. Glenn Turner -- SGM history, what we're missing, outreach, diversity, healing and more...

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Unlike the recordings you get from workshops at GA, I've broken this one down into tracks by topic. One great coversation, 15 relevant tracks. ENJOY!

You can listen to clips of each track here.

Know a UU lay leader or minister you'd like me to interview?
Let me know.

The first disc in my small group ministry audio series is now available. On November 15th I interviewed the Rev. Glenn Turner. Glenn is one of the pioneers of small group ministry in the Unitarian Universalist Association. He is the one who introduced both Calvin Dame and Bob Hill to the concept. He has also spent years teaching congregations how to design and launch small group ministries.

During this interview we cover everything from how he came to be an advocate for this ministry, to outreach, growth and diversity issues, and why it is that we might need to heal more as a faith before we can tackle some of the big issues on our plate.

It is my hope that this CD will preserve some of our history and encourage some of our congregations (maybe even the UUA Board/Staff) to use this ministry to take our movement to the next level. We're only scratching the surface of what we can do with this ministry.

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All profits fund my efforts as a freelance UU change agent and the further development of my UU media studio.