October 01, 2008

Sticky Church = Sermon Based Small Groups

I just received the book Sticky Church in the mail. I ordered it when reading Made to Stick and a Andy Stanley's Making Vision Stick. Not knowing quite what to expect, I started reading. Front doors, back doors, closing back door, focus on formation of those who have arrived vs. mighty marketing efforts then POW! Right around page 40, section II and beyond -- Small Groups. This book is about sermon based small groups and closing the back door.

So far, pretty good. The author, Larry Osborne, admits that this isn't a "hey, check out this new thing!" kind of book. It is built on years of experience and long term growth. I'm enjoying Larry's explanation of how small groups make our faith communities more sticky. Nothing revolutionary, just a different way of talking about why small groups can make a huge difference.

If you aren't looking for a book on small groups, this one won't stick. Need to communicate the value of small groups to people interested in church growth. Read it.

Read more at stickychurch.com
Purchase Sticky Church at Amazon.com

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