Must read - Creating Community from North Point Resources
Working with small group ministry?
You NEED to read Creating Community : Five Keys to Building a Small Group Culture and Seven Practices of Effective Ministry
from North Point Ministries. It doesn't matter what kind of church you have --- all ministers, religious professionals, and lay leaders will benefit from these two quick reads.
Creating Community : Five Keys to Building a Small Group Culture is a great description of how North Point Community Church builds their culture around small groups. Some SGM books are not easy to apply to other denominations/UU's. THIS ONE IS.
Seven Practices of Effective Ministry is not a model for programs or ministries, but powerful practices for DOING CHURCH. If your fighting at all in your ministry, don't feel focused, feel like your not changing lives as much as you want to, GET THIS BOOK.
UU MINISTERS: How would you like to discuss these books? If there is sufficient interest I'll look into scheduling a group conference call. I'd love to discuss these books with a small group of ministers.
Why ministers? Because my interest is primarily on how this book impacts how UU ministers view their work and ministry. Not a minister - read the book! Tell me what you think. Get copies for your SGM steering committee and read it together.
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