June 20, 2005

SGM and Public Television

What do Small Group Ministry and PBS have in common?


Besides my work with UU congregations (see www.uuplanet.com) I also work with children's television. Yes, I am a classic gemini with split lives --- half UU evangelist/trainer, the other half children's television producer.

As a reader of my blog I'd like to ask you a personal favor. Will you sign the petition to save PBS if you have not done so already. It doesn't matter if you love Big Bird or me, our world is a better place with public television.

There is a push to get 1000000 signatures by the end of the day. We're up to 800K. Thanks for helping me save PBS.


PS -- I hesitated to post this until I realized that without pulbic television and NPR our world would most likely be plunged into a scary corporate controlled media nightmare with fundamentalist agendas driving global politics. Wait, maybe we're there already... Hmmmmmm... Well, whatever good PBS and NPR are doing I hate to think of how much worse things would be without them! I figure that in a sense this post is directly related to liberal religion.

Whatever.... Sign the petition -- I'll credit you 423 Karmic Units.
