March 29, 2005

Small Group Ministry and BEYOND

Though you might know me best via this blog, I do much more with churhces than small group ministry. SGM has led to all sorts of consulting and training work. With a passion for our faith, I find that my work keeps branching out.

For those of you Unitarian Universalists interested in seeing our liberal religious movement MOVE, I have launched a newsletter related to my work -- training, research, resource development, and all the goodies I uncover throughout my work/travels. If you are interested in leading an AMAZING congregation, this e-newsletter is for you. If you are not a UU with a passion for our faith, subscribe at your own risk.

Click here to visit my website and subscribe.

March 02, 2005

Don't Think of an Elephant

Not too long ago one of you suggested the book Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate--The Essential Guide for Progressives. The woman who emailed me suggested that it is useful to know about the concept of framing in both writing session plans and facilitating groups.

This book is described as "the definitive handbook for understanding and communicating effectively about key issues in the 2004 election, and beyond. Read it, take action—and help take America back."

After reading a few pages of this book I was hooked. Though suggested as a resource for facilitators, I would say that this book is worth reading if you care about where America is going. Knowing that politics comes up in small groups and that our congregations play an essential role in shaping dialogue in our communities, please check this one out.

If you don't get the book, visit the website of the Rockridge Institute. They have great resources explaining what framing is all about.

More books by George Lakoff