April 16, 2004

Sharing Small Group Ministry at GA 2004

Going to GA? Visit us!

The UU Small Group Ministry Network is having the first ever SGM display table at GA! This will be a place not only to find resources, but to talk to small group ministry consultants, get advice, meet people working with SGM in our congregations, and more.

What's the more?
Well, that depends a bit on how healthy our group of display volunteers is! A small group of us are coordinating the resources ON table, the fundraising to HAVE the table, and organizing people to be AT the table.

Share a story
If you are a seasoned facilitator, coach or minister and would like to spend a half hour with us, send me an email. We hope to have three people at the booth at all times. I will be there along with others answering basic and advanced questions. I would love to have one person per shift to tell their SGM story and another to explain the various resources available. Note: Training available on resources!

At any given time that means we will have three people... One to consult, one to share their story, and a third for general info requests.