Is the empty chair symbolic?
There is a lot of talk in our UU SGM literature about the "open chair". It is held up as an important aspect of the model. It is important to keep a chair open to symbolize that the group is open and there for others.
I don't know where the idea of a symbolic empty chair came from. My understanding and conviction is that if a group is an open group, there is a plan to fill it. Otherwise the empty chair is more symbolic of our failure to share our faith, that UU's are reluctant to share what we have with others.
Save the symbolic empy chair for passover.
If you want your small group ministry to be an extension of the ministry of the church and have it serve to promote personal and spiritual growth, cast a vision for open groups with REAL people in the chairs. We have to much work to do in the world and to much to share to keep seats reserved for imaginary Unitarian Universalists.
Let me add that it is a good idea to have an extra or empty chair. But don't have it be symbolic. Fill it. Not necessarily every session, but often. That is, depending on the kind of group you have. Maybe your covenant could specify the rate at which new people will be welcomed into the group...

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