Supporting Leaders/Facilitators
This past month I've had a lot of contact with people who are facilitators of groups. The number one complaint they have is that the support they received from the minister dropped off once things got started and were working well.
If you are a minister who has let the support drop, I invite you to say OOOPS! in the privacy of your study. Once you've done that, schedule your next leader/facilitator meeting. Remember, this model is like a web of ministry fanning out like the veins of a leaf. You minister to your leaders, leading a small group for them and they in turn do the same for the rest of the congregation.
If you really want to use SGM as your ministry model, here is my challenge. Judge your entire ministry by your ministry with your small group leaders. Do this as a private spiritual practice or discipline. As you minister to them, challenge them to do the same with their groups. That is going to raise the bar. It is going to bother some people. But it is also going to transform your congregation and the ministry of our larger faith. It is a different way of being.
Have you had resistance to sharing responsibility with facilitators?

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